Timna's Baptism

My Baptism

I was being plagued by demons for decades following an event that tormented me in dangerous ways for over 30 years. 

I used a Spirit Board several times as an adolescent and as a young adult which led me to choosing to be a Psychic Medium when I graduated University. 

I suffered grave and brutal consequences as a result which I discuss in my book Demon Portals: A Psychic Medium’s Path to Deliverance.

On December 18th 2016 I was baptized in my mentor’s hot tub as Trinity Lutheran’s pool was unheated and it was the Christmas Season. I got into the warm water and Pastor Nathan gently brought my head backwards into the water. When I came back up I saw a very bright white light before my eyes and everyone disappeared behind it. 

I could feel the Pastor’s hands on my head and I could hear his blessings but all
I saw was light. I felt a very warm feeling on top of my head that was much warmer than the water. I felt a peace and a kind of quiet calm that I never felt before. I heard the Holy Spirit tell me to serve the Lord from now on and that my Christian family will grow as a result. 

At the time I thought He meant my friends at Trinity. Now I know that He meant all Christians everywhere. Having grown up with a small and dysfunctional birth family I was happy to be a part of a larger God loving family. My physical birth brought me into a cursed life until my Baptism. I experienced a healthy birth in that hot tub. I don’t call it a rebirth or a born again experience. It was in my mind and heart the only true birth of my spirit, soul, volitional body and my body. I was clearly in my mind just born for the first time. Everything seemed new and fascinating. 

Both Pastors’ faces and all my friends’ faces were glowing. When I went inside to dry off and get dressed, I looked into a mirror and for the first time in my life I could not completely recognize my own face. I looked peaceful, and glowing as if a lit candle was inside my head. At that moment I understood my covenant with God. “Yes I will share my Lord’s Word and follow Him in all things. Forgive me for taking so long” and the Holy Spirit replied: “you have only just 30 minutes ago been born, welcome home".